Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 11: Out of Dodge

We started our day without much hassle and on the road at 7:51 CST. I made a major gaff yesterday when I said that I thought Dorothy and Toto were no longer in Kansas. After reading my blog yesterday, my tour guide/driver/brother decided to make me eat my words and have to publicly apologize to all my followers reading this blog.
Miss Shirley is a prolific map reader and sent us on route to a small town called Liberal, Kansas to find Dorothy. We did see a couple signs advertising Dorothy’s house but the signage was bad and we missed the turn to see it. But all is well I now know that Dorothy and Toto are safely back in Liberal Kansas. I will sleep much easier tonight. I was disappointed that there were no statues of her and her entourage though. Maybe I will write a letter to the mayor of Liberal and tell him I think the town needs one. Thus no picture of this major figure.

We did make short time heading out of Kansas and entered into Oklahoma where the “corn is as high as an elephants eye” that’s the only words I know from that song from the musical Oklahoma.  So its been stuck in my brain all day long.   Lucky me and those riding with me.

Oklahoma was faster at cutting all their corn fields so all we could see for corn higher than an elephant’s eye was this pile of corn beside one of the 14,000 grain elevators we have passed by.
If you want to have a town built, build a grain elevator and they will come.

                                                Grain elevator number 7,758

Not long down the road we had to make an emergency stop.  Which really wasn’t an emergency other than someone, (I won’t mention who here because I’m the guest and a passenger of this RV) needed to do some adjusting.   Me being the bright blond that I am, decided this was the perfect time to take a photo shoot so all of you readers would have a glimpse of the marvelous RV I am traveling in.

                       Notice the beautiful scenic view we see daily.

Well the reason I mention this stop is because as I was standing here on this side of the highway, and as always barefoot I stepped right into some pricky shit. And I MEAN PRICKY SHIT.   7 hours later my feet are still burning. 
I stepped in what is known, our here at least, as goatshead.  Well if anyone has ever seen a burdock from back home a brown sticky thing, well this is 85 million times worse.  The burrs on this are spikes and they will penetrate anything, especially my poor bare feet.  I had to hobble back across the highway to the truck.
Thank heaven Miss Shirley has long finger nails and was able to pull about 50 out of my feet before I could think about getting back up in the truck.
  My feet still have a few burrs in them and are burning.  I have put Burt’s Bees lotion on them and that has helped some.  I will be picking burrs out for a few more days I suspect. 
This is a picture we took of a goatshead plant still red and not dried and deadly like I stepped on.  If you look closely you can see some of the sharp barbs sticking out.

I hope this is completely gone off my feet by the time I head east; I would hate to be a transferor of this useless plant on my pristine Hyytinen Hollow.
Within a few minutes driving after this major delay caused only because “someone” needed to make an adjustment. We entered into the great state of Texas.

                                           And now on to Amarillo. 
We parked our RV by 1:00pm we are still in Central Standard Time.  It is 90 plus degrees here and big blue sky are far as one can see.  I hope to get to see the stars on this huge sky tonight. 
This is Columbus day weekend even why out here but, If I were to get home sick it would be now because  nowhere is there foliage like we have in western Massachusetts.  Shit, they don’t even have trees here in Amarillo. 
I get a thought of the day every day when I open up my computer and todays couldn’t have been more apropos it was and I quote “its 5 o’clock somewhere’ It sure is here right now.
The Internet kind of sucks at this beautiful campground so I hope I can post this but I will try my best to publish my doings for the next few days... we leave here on Monday.
 Thank you for reading my blog and enjoying it as much as I do writing it. 

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