Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 23. arriving at Laughlin Nevada

We were on the road out of Williams and westward toward Laughlin, Nevada at 8:16am   It was a little late start for us but we had rains to wait for. 

This rainbow made the wait worth the trip.  It stretched entirely across the sky in front of us  for several miles.

And to the pot of gold on the other end.

There was a faint second one beside it but it never became as crystal clear as this one did.  For a while we could count all 8 separate colors.  What a wonderful day to start a brand new venture for me. 
As we headed west the scenery started to change. The rocks became rockier, but I’m thinking we are not near the Rockies, I don’t know what mountain range this really is.

I promise to find that tidbit out so we all will be more informed.

The scenery from afar was becoming more intriguing. And the road was still straight for miles.
After a short trip today which also including a stop to get the truck and RV washed we had left another state in our wake when we crossed the Colorado River.
And turning right we entered our destination

We are in Laughlin Nevada by noon.   Past the construction cones you can see lines of casinos. We set up on a good level that the casinos are below us.  I can’t wait until tonight so I can take pictures of the  city with all is lights. 
We did go to lunch in one casino; I looked but didn’t put any money in any slot machine. 

Sorry the picture would not down load.. but you will see it another time I'm sure

As we traveled further west we traveled to a much lower altitude and my ears were popping like crazy. And as I sit here at our destination right now I will tell you I can breathe, finally, it has been a week that I was so short of breath just attempting to walk a few feet was a breathing exercise for me.
So that about winds up our first day in Laughlin, Nevada, I am sure I will have stories to tell for the next few days because we are here for a week.   I promise to get some night pictures to show you all the different casinos each night. 
We do not have internet so will go to hot spots  to  down load this from time to time.  So until I am back up online daily, Please look for my blogs and thank you all for being patient. 

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