Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 15: Santa Fe

We started our day with a fantastic breakfast cooked right here at this magnificent campground.  Pancakes were free and Miss Shirley had those, I had eggs, sausages and home fries.  This was a great addition to this already great campground.
After breakfast we headed out to do some touring. We headed North up to Santa Fe.  

.  I’m not sure my ears have popped yet as we were over 8,000 feet in elevation.  To get a gist about how high that is we are parked at 5050 feet right now, Hyytinen Hollow is about 620 feet.
Santa Fe was a wonderful experience.  The city was founded in 1610 and is now celebrating its 400th birthday.   The narrow brick streets are filled with old adobe buildings.  I took a few pictures of some of the areas we walked and shopped as tourists. 

 I’m going to back track some here and refresh your memories with our trip to Santa Fe.  A few days back when I was in Dodge City I visited the site of the Santa Fe Trail ruts in the prairie.  The Santa Fe Trail ended right where I am taking the above picture from.

After eating lunch in a great place called the ORE House and a margarita or 2 we went to see one of the most impressive things I have seen. 

The Inside of this Chapel is beautiful in its own right. But having the Miraculous Stairway made it so unexpectedly beautiful.

                 I’m going to insert a link here on this magnificent staircase.                      
I have a couple other pictures of the church to add to all its glory.

I didn’t cut the guy out because I wanted to show the stained glass windows.
                  The outside of the church is just as impressive.

After this tourist stop we decided to head back to the campground. I took another picture of the scenery, which I am deciding that New Mexico is a very pretty state in this country of ours. 

Still huge plains and flat lands with glorious mountains surrounding them just stretching toward the sky.
Tomorrow we have a long day in the truck driving about 6 hours or so up into the mountains of Arizona to Williams.
If I have internet I will post my blog for all you wonderful followers.  Time for my glass of red.

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